So i'm sending these out into the world.
I'm still busy with the logo and tags and packaging etc.
But I want it to be perfect!
So in the's some pretty things to wet your appetite.
Any feedback would be so welcome!
The story in short:
My mother bought a HUGE consignment of jewelry from a friend of hers who couldn't handle it taking over her entire house! It all came from her fathers warehouse in town. The jewelry ranges from the 50's upwards. Its like having a treasure trove and it's all quite overwhelming! So the name is Love Bean. Remember it. Say it. Love it.

• Grey R40
• Wood R60
• Dark blue and gold R60
• Oval turquoise with gold leafing R130
• Yellow twist R150
Prices range according to stock.
Once they gone they gone, there are a few of each (more stock available)
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