I don't consider myself the best writer but hey! Here goes!
One lovely day my dear friend lolly posted this blog addy on my Facebook page.
(kisses kraken,xxxxx)
Other than the beautiful images, lace, fashion and all things inspiring (just up my alley) I was directed to the post "dresses Need good homes". For those of you who know me, I am only too willing to give a pretty dress some love and a warm place to rest.

(a girl whom I'd never met before) and asked her how much the pretty Paisley dress was (my heart said yes, my bursting cupboard said NOOOO!).
Sandra wrote back and said they were FREE* (*to a loving home). YES! I have a home and YES! they shall be loved! The only thing was, if any of the dresses don't fit or I'm not so keen on, I should return them, so that they too can be passed on to someone who will cherish and adore them.
And so they arrived on Friday at my mom's work (I truly was surprised...what's the catch I wondered). I received them on Saturday. Individually wrapped in pastel coloured tissue paper opening each one was like christmas...over and over again. All of them were so beautiful.... the red one is a bit big, the tiger top slightly too small but the rest... were as if they were made for me! How could someone let go of such treasures i ask?!
This has really spurred me on. I have an exploding cupboard, full of loved clothes but haven't been given the attention and love they so deserve.
So this post is just to say a HUGE thank you to Sandra and that I hope we shall meet face to face soon :) If your dresses are so lovely you must be lovely too.
And as for my next post... now this is where things get exciting.
Hold on to your skirts girls!
it was such a pleasure doing this i must say. i'm glad you got the dresses. i think everyone thought there was a catch :)