"Winning in the Gold Lion category is this ad that was done by Ogilvy Joburg for the Topsy Foundation" CherryFlava
Best ad i've ever seen, and it's real.
Very very powerful. I hope I create something as though provoking one day.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Topsy Foundation (incredibly powerful)
Sunday, June 27, 2010

What I wouldn't give for one of these right now!! FOUND on Me So Hungry. It's about this dude Jason Lam who lives in New Yoik and has this AWESOME food blog. FOOOOOOD BLOG. What I would do for one of these right now!Brooklyn is a bit of a walk from here! I guess i'm gonna have to stick to the good old boerie roll!!
So what's in an 'ASIA DOG' you ask?
'Asiadogs are hot dogs with Asian-inspired toppings. Bornfrom a love of NYC, we wanted to push the limits of one of its most popular street foods by adding our own personal touch'
Choose a beef, chicken or Veggie hotdog and choose your topping:
One's that caught my eye!
SIDNEY: Thai style
relish with mango + cucumber + red onion +
cilantro + crushed peanuts + fish sauce
ITO: Japanese curry + homemade
kimchi apples
VINH: Vietnamese banh-mi style:
aioli + pate + cucumbers + pickled
carrot and daikon + cilantro + jalapeno
Saturday, June 26, 2010
"I'm not worthy!""I'm not worthy!"
AM i Collective's posters for the world cup rock.
If you haven't seen them yet, then best you do.
Straight from the horses mouth:
"While I’m not the biggest sports-fan, good design is something I’ll cheer about any day.
I am totally obsessed with the World Cup poster series done by ad agency Widen + Kennedy for ESPN.
W + K tapped a South African-based design collective for the project called AM I Collective which has a distinctive illustrative style. They created a series of 32 illustrated posters, one for each team in the series.
The illustrations are equal parts, heroic and tongue in cheek and with their bold colors and new style, they definitely grab your attention. Using stylized illustrations, they elevate the event to kind of a modern allegory.
I don’t think we’ve seen work like this, particularly not for sports advertising in a long time and I think it’s pretty exciting, don’t you?
Click here for a full gallery of the posters and here for a complete schedule of the games."
Nicely put.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Lolly makes Lovely things
Yes, I may be slightly infatuated with the dear old Lauren Schultz.
But hey, what's wrong with giving credit where its due?
Look what she's made!!!

Lolly, I want one....and how much?!
I would also like to buy an extra to give-away to a lucky reader at some point in my little blogs life :)
Maybe, just maybe... if you are reading this now and just absolutely have to have one too (just like me). You might be the lucky one. (if Lolly accepts of course).

#1 {If I got my way}
I'll be sharing with you lovely things I wish i was wearing, eating, owning.
I've always been told "you can't have everything"... but a girl can dream.
And this is just that.

• Black Skirt 1950s full circle skirt in deep black with unusual nylon lace trim.
• Carved, vintage style genuine turquoise blue birdie accents a gorgeous gunmetal leaf outline pendant creating a lovely lariat.
•Vintage scarf, Chiffon fabric was made around gorgeous needle lace with the silk yarn. Made by the sellers mother! (why would she sell it? ) $150. I wish!!
• Lovely wolf paper puppet. Will insert the link as son as I find it again (oops).
Love love love.
The loveliest bird
Sandra Smit posted this on her blog (thankyouthankyou).
If you all remember I got a whole bunch of pretty dresses from her (bird don't sing), her kindness inspired me to start doing something, anything! Just for the love of it!
I cannot wait to meet you either! Soon i shall upload photo's of every-single dress, this time with my face in it (so camera shy!) Thank you, again and again!

So !nnocent
So just wanted to put a friends illustration up.
He is an insane illustrator and someone to look out for in the future!
Innocent Mukheli, Metro's newest republican kicks ass.

Join his little group on FB http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=62245081477
If a little is having 777 members.Dude you rock, very inspiring. I expect some awesome collaboration in the near distant future.
"Doodles. Scribbles. Sketches.Innocent comes from a family of twins, but in an extreme way.
Pen. Pencil. Paint. Ink. Vectors.
Paper. Canvas. Walls. Serviettes. Photoshop. Freehand.
No matter your medium or method, Daily Little Drawings celebrates everything that is good about illustration, typography and home-grown design."
He has a twin brother, as well as a set of twin sisters and another set of twin brothers.
(3 sets of twins!!!) His father is a twin and so is his mother.
Family portraits must be quite interesting.
Oh, and his brother Justice's stuff is just as cool.
Double the trouble, double the fun!

Friday, June 18, 2010
Pretty necklaces for sale
A Bleubird gets engaged
Remember my post about her 'Dear babybird' posts... there's a new one.. go check it out yourself!
It's my daily read in the morning with a cup of hot coffee, whilst checking my e-mails.
Bit of a stalker right?
So here's the big news that I just had to share. "Miss James" is engaged and look at her lovely ring! Here's my fav quote, too too cute... "a 1920's antique golden ring with nine diamonds. so delicate and petite. so my style. he slipped it on my finger and we talked and kissed and smiled and laughed under the stars. after about 30 minutes he says to me "wait... did you even say yes? you didn't did you."
And here's a photo of the lovely couple. They make a pretty pair right?

Congrats! Read her post for yourself, too cute, too trendy, it's like a love story from the pages of a glossy fashion mag! Love love love! Read the rest here:
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Lovely Love Bean bangles
So i'm sending these out into the world.
I'm still busy with the logo and tags and packaging etc.
But I want it to be perfect!
So in the meantime...here's some pretty things to wet your appetite.
Any feedback would be so welcome!
The story in short:
My mother bought a HUGE consignment of jewelry from a friend of hers who couldn't handle it taking over her entire house! It all came from her fathers warehouse in town. The jewelry ranges from the 50's upwards. Its like having a treasure trove and it's all quite overwhelming! So the name is Love Bean. Remember it. Say it. Love it.

• Grey R40
• Wood R60
• Dark blue and gold R60
• Oval turquoise with gold leafing R130
• Yellow twist R150
Prices range according to stock.
Once they gone they gone, there are a few of each (more stock available)
Monday, June 14, 2010
The kraken has talent
My friend Lolly is such a talented girl, not only is she gorgeous inside and out, her foul mouth amazes me every-time. These are beautiful illustrations that she has done for me. I hope she doesn't mind me sharing them with the world. You see...she's very shy about her work, and she shouldn't be. I'm such a fan! I want to see more!! Kraken you have done good.
Check more of her stuff out on http://www.sayswho.co.za/laurenillustrations.html
The force that is says who studios, you guys rock. Nick and Jazz, big loves.
http://www.sayswhostudios.blogspot.com/ (check them out, they rock).
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Glove chipmunk!!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
To my friend across the pond
My favourite blog in the world

Fashion, design and oh so pretty illustrations.
This blog is my landing page and everyday I look forward to seeing whats new.
Caroline is an amazing illustrator and I am in love with her pattern designs.
I'll try put up some of my own watercolours soon. I must just stop being so lazy!
So here's more about Caroline, straight from her blog:
'Hello!Well, she must be doing something right. She's awesome.
My name is Caroline.
I live in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn with my boyfriend (Andy) and dog (Marlow). By day I am a textile designer for the fashion industry.
I love my profession and the fact that it allows me to be creative every day. I also love the surprise of walking down the street and seeing something I worked on, on a stranger going past. I started this blog as an effort to do something creative every day that is completely for myself.
Living in New York I encounter so much amazing visual material. This blog is my attempt to share some of my favorite things with you. I hope you enjoy it.'
FREE vintage orange dress

It's that time of the week again (for the love of free things).
I obtained this beautiful vintage orange dress a while ago in the hopes of dying it black. I have very pale skin and knew from the very beginning that orange is not my best colour. But alas I cannot dye it as apparently the material will not take any kind of dye (ahhh polyester). However, the dress has such an amazing cut and the cinched waist is beautiful.
Who wants it?
Pretty Hairclips

So, I know we haven't launched Love Bean (beautiful jewelry ranging from the 50's obtained from an old warehouse in town). However, my mom and I have started making these hair clips from the bits and pieces lying around. Each one is an individual and done with much love and care. The smaller one's are R20 and the bigger R30. If you would like one please let me know and we'll sort out collection.
My kitten Bali
Sunday, June 6, 2010
South Africa gets 2010

I'm actually pretty excited about the football now, the energy in the air is incredible.
Had such an amazing day on Saturday. On the way to Rosebank I took this photo. I thought I had seen every single adaptation of the South African flag....but no... now there are South African flag sunglasses. Could this start a trend? Maybe.... or maybe not? However, I think these look totally rad on this guy.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Happy friday everyone!
For today only they are having a 20% off sale, all you need to know is that the code is HAPPYFRIDAY! I really am thinking about purchasing one or two things. Should I? No i shouldn't... but they are just so lovely!!!
Here's some of the pieces that caught my eye.

It's sooooo tempting! I love the flamingo one!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Marjolein gets her bag
An ode to a blog I love
I love this blog so much. It's called Bleubird Vintage (http://bleubirdvintage.typepad.com/) by Miss James, which is her blog. But not only that, she also has an online vintage store! http://www.bleubirdvintage.com/! I see her logo is the same font as mine! X! COINCIDENCE I SWEAR! I discovered riot squad (the font) last year on myfonts.com! I begged my mom for the $4 font for my portfolio, awesome investment! Thanks mom!
Not only is there fab fashion advice and home decor I am LOVING her posts on her pregnancy. Don't get me wrong, by all means, as I do not intend to have children anytime soon (waaaay too young), I just think it's the sweetest most incredible thing i've ever seen. The photo's and design are amazing too, it's one of the things that hooked me into her blog. What a rad mom hey? Pretty hot too, hahahaha.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
If you love them, they're yours.
Sandra... look how lovely your dress looks :)
It is very much loved!
Here are a few treasures from my cupboard.

• Purple peep-toes size 5 (shoey shoey shoey) from thailand.
• Purple necklace from the 60's
• Blue clutch bag (one of many I have rescued from a charity shop)
This is just the beginning of giveaways.
No catch.
For free.
Only if you promise to love and cherish them, for the rest of your lives.
Let me know if you want them,if you do,they're yours.
Dresses Need good homes
I don't consider myself the best writer but hey! Here goes!
One lovely day my dear friend lolly posted this blog addy on my Facebook page.
(kisses kraken,xxxxx)
Other than the beautiful images, lace, fashion and all things inspiring (just up my alley) I was directed to the post "dresses Need good homes". For those of you who know me, I am only too willing to give a pretty dress some love and a warm place to rest.

(a girl whom I'd never met before) and asked her how much the pretty Paisley dress was (my heart said yes, my bursting cupboard said NOOOO!).
Sandra wrote back and said they were FREE* (*to a loving home). YES! I have a home and YES! they shall be loved! The only thing was, if any of the dresses don't fit or I'm not so keen on, I should return them, so that they too can be passed on to someone who will cherish and adore them.
And so they arrived on Friday at my mom's work (I truly was surprised...what's the catch I wondered). I received them on Saturday. Individually wrapped in pastel coloured tissue paper opening each one was like christmas...over and over again. All of them were so beautiful.... the red one is a bit big, the tiger top slightly too small but the rest... were as if they were made for me! How could someone let go of such treasures i ask?!
This has really spurred me on. I have an exploding cupboard, full of loved clothes but haven't been given the attention and love they so deserve.
So this post is just to say a HUGE thank you to Sandra and that I hope we shall meet face to face soon :) If your dresses are so lovely you must be lovely too.
And as for my next post... now this is where things get exciting.
Hold on to your skirts girls!
Dandi Lion Cara

So it seems that I never put any of my illustrations up because - A i never finish them to my liking and B, probably because they are quite cosey in the darkness of my Moleskine. I've decided to send them out into the world, as scared as they may be... i think it's time. This particular illustration was inspired by Cara, a blonde wild haired copy writer from Metro, very pretty. x
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Art Director: Indianna Harris, Paul Busschau Copy: Dave Everson Creative Directors: Paul Busschau, Peter Khoury
stockholm library
Blog Archive
- Topsy Foundation (incredibly powerful)
- "I'm not worthy!""I'm not worthy!"
- Lolly makes Lovely things
- #1 {If I got my way}
- The loveliest bird
- So !nnocent
- Pretty necklaces for sale
- Earings fore sale, 50's flashback.
- A Bleubird gets engaged
- Lovely Love Bean bangles
- The kraken has talent
- Glove chipmunk!!
- Colours I wish I was was wearing today!
- To my friend across the pond
- My favourite blog in the world
- FREE vintage orange dress
- Pretty Hairclips
- My kitten Bali
- South Africa gets 2010
- Happy friday everyone!
- Marjolein gets her bag
- An ode to a blog I love
- If you love them, they're yours.
- Dresses Need good homes
- Dandi Lion Cara
- Ayobashaw
- stockholm library