My aunty Bev came down from East London and bought us one of her famous GIGANTIC avo's from her garden. I've placed a few objects next to the avo to try show you how bloody HUGE this thing is! To make it even better they are so creamy and delicious!
I took this photo on the rooftop of Rosebank on Saturday, I love the brightness of the red brick.
Design is a good idea in 44 Stanley is a GOOOOOOOOD idea to go to.
I fell in love with their Pantone mugs and diary's! They have uber cool stuff in there, anyone interested in design will just wee from excitement!
Also at a shop at 44, how beautiful! And easily done, or so Hayley and I thought so. So keep your eye's peeled for my own version!
Chandeliers hanging in a shop at 44 Stanley, I'm so sorry but I forgot what it was called. I felt like a princess walking in there and having so many chandeliers hanging above my head! I would love to do a shoot there one-day!
Something I found outside one of the shops. Lovely! I love JHB!
Hayley and I had a spot of lunch at Plaka in Northcliff. A day filled with champagne and Tapa's, a dream come true!
Treat? Jes, Danni, Sarah and I went on a girls night in Greenside on Saturday night (Halloween). Whilst minding our own business at The Office we received some shooters (presumably tequila, due to the precariously laid down lemons) and all swooned knowing that we 'still have IT'. After ching chinging and downing said shooters, they turned out to be water.
Nice one guys, would have loved to see the barman's face when these gentlemen ordered 6 shooters of water and lemon?
A lovely photo of an illustration that my dear love Ricki owns, it's beautiful isn't it?
A Christmas Carol and the Cricket on the Hearth by Charles Dickens bought at a charity shop on Saturday, too sweet!
White Fang by Jack London, also purchased on Sat. I wish they still made book covers like this. Yellow linen and black letterpress.
And last but not least a T-shirt I bought from Dokter & Misses at 44 Stanley. You can check them out here online.
The dude at the the shop said their friend did this T-shirt, I'll find out who the artist is but I think it's such an amazing t-shirt!
Check out the hanging gardens by Joe Paine, totally gonna get me one next month.
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